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White noise; an ancient ruin?

White noise; an ancient ruin?

There are some different perspectives on white noise. Looking at white noise from the engineer perspective is like watching an infinite vortex that produces randomness in its purest way; the mean of 0 and variance of ∞. On the...

IDFA: Media Fonds lecture Ira Glass & Media Mix Master Julien Temple

On this very memorable Saturday afternoon the Red Bull drinking special Doc Lab guest and master storyteller Ira Glass, and the British wine-sipping documentary, clip, and fiction filmmaker Julien Temple were present at the Escape Club to talk about...

Review of Re-Inventing Radio – Aspects of Radio as Art

The conference '100 years of radio' in 2006 which was an collaboration between the Ludwig Botzmann Institute Media.Art.Research, Linz, Austria and Kunstradio became a key point of departure for the realization of the book where media theory, art history...
Ekimeeza, the Peoples Parliament of Uganda on Radio One

Ekimeeza, the Peoples Parliament of Uganda on Radio One

I arrived around 2.30 at club Obligato, where the massively popular radio talkshow ‘Ekimeeza’ was about to start. I was welcomed by a series of middle aged men, who...
Radio 2.0 – Using Innovative Technologies in the Effort to Connect the Unconnected

Radio 2.0 – Using Innovative Technologies in the Effort to Connect the Unconnected

Web 2.0 for a Global Society ? As defined by Wikipedia, the term Web 2.0 “encapsulates the idea of the proliferation of interconnectivity and interactivity of web-delivered content.” Tim O’Reilly, often recognized as the first person to coin the...

New Radio Course at Mediastudies

The Mediastudies Department of the University of Amsterdam will be starting a new master studying the age old medium of radio. Campus TV interviewed the initiator, Frank van Vree.