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Weeping Angel: The latest surveillance tool, that can turn your smart TV into a bug TV

Weeping Angel: The latest surveillance tool, that can turn your smart TV into a bug TV

  Earlier this year, a revelation by Wikileaks called Vault7 refueled the privacy debate concerning intrusive media (Hacker News; The Verge, 2017). The series released documents on CIA activity between 2013 and 2016, showing how the intelligence agency gained access...
WikiLeaks or We Keep Leaks?

WikiLeaks or We Keep Leaks?

On the 17th of June in 1972, 5 men got caught while attempting to infiltrate the democratic headquarters located at the Watergate hotel in Washington. Their objective was the placement of electronic listening devices to monitor the meeting hosted...

Who In The Australian Department of Justice Edited Julian Assange’s Wikipedia Page?

According to Wikipedia's edit history, on 23 September 2010 shortly before midnight, the entry for Julian Assange was edited by a user whose IP address belongs to the Australian Government’s Justice Department. The user attempted to make a seemingly...

War 1.0: The Internets Fight Back. Pirate Bay Helps His Friend Wikileaks

It may be clear that Wikileaks is under heavy attack. Established (governmental) institutions are doing everything they can to boycot Wikileaks by cutting every source they have such as internetservers and even money funds. Including is Paypal who has...