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To Be or Not To Be Deleted: My First Wikipedia Entry

There are 3,431,688 articles in the English Wikipedia on a dizzying range of topics. Surely there must be one on data-driven journalism, right? Well, the answer is no; an article on database journalism focuses on computer-assisted reporting, the digital...

Wikipedia editing: the ultimate career counseling?

Dear Wikipedia editors, did you notice that you choose a subject to edit on Wikipedia that lies in your line of interest? Because the list of Requested Articles is structured into categories, you automatically pick the subject you feel...
A Wikipedia Experiment

A Wikipedia Experiment

So while everyone was making an actual relevant addition to Wikipedia, I decided to try something silly. A while ago I was standing in line at a film festival when I heard two girls argue about whether they were...
Rolling up the vignettape

Rolling up the vignettape

My wikipedia entry is about an italian cartoon called “L’Omino Bufo”, in loving memory of those bizarre and hilarious strips I used to read (and enjoy to the tears) as a child. Since the available online information was very...