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Nokia offers widget service

News from Nokia: This company will offer a widget service that will allow clients to download special applications to their mobile phone. I thought this would be an interesting post, since we are using widgets to add tools to...
Review: We’ve got Blog. How Weblogs are Changing our Culture

Review: We’ve got Blog. How Weblogs are Changing our Culture

We’ve got Blog is a collection of thirty four articles about weblogs compiled and edited by John Rodzvilla. It was published in 2002 during which blogs had been around for three years. As well known blog essayist Rebecca Blood...

Should WikiPedia be accepted as an academically viable source?

This question is inspired with a discussion I had this afternoon on IRC with my fellow Utopians. I believe there is already some literature out there about the trustworthiness of information on wikipedia. Below I will paste the chat...

Joyce Goggin – Feminist!

Dr. Goggin was a bit annoyed by a cartoon made by Peter van Straaten on a conference for students. made a little report!  

October 10th: Computers, Wars, and Computergames

The Department Of Media Studies is proud to present Dr. Patrick Crogan
An example of online collaboration

An example of online collaboration

The marketplace at the social network Hyves is an example of online collaboration. Theorist C. Shipley makes a distinction between cooperation and collaboration: “Collaboration is a much less involved affair in which sole, independent participants advance separately.”...


CafePress is an online retailer that produces and dispatches a large variety of user-customized products on demand. Opening and operating a basic CafePress shop is free. After creating a shop, you can proceed to select products and upload files,...

Amazon affiliate-program

One way of commersializing your blog is signing up to Amazon affiliate-program. You can have a virtual bookstore on your website by linking to pages at Amazon. If links from your site result in sales, you get a commission...

Optimizing your blog

I found two nice articles about optimizing your blog: 31 Days to a Building a Better Blog Project on Problogger (almost an overload of tips) 5 ways to building a better blog by Neil Patel on Pronetadvertising (especially the...

Bruce Sterling on blogs – podcast

Bruce Sterling, cyberpunk science fiction writer, asks what new media does for writers. He talks about the creative process of writing, the restrictions and politics, the uselessness of Microsoft Word and.. blogs! Apparently, comic book writers and stand-up comedians...
Hassan Bahara’s wiki

Hassan Bahara’s wiki

I wikied the writer Hassan Bahara, whose book Een verhaal uit de stad Damsko I used for writing my thesis. As I promised, I added a few internal and external links. It’s my first wiki ever, but I think...

Who’s responsible for Volkskrant-blogs?

Thom Meens, “ombudsman” (some kind of public relations person any… Any suggestions for translation?) for the Volkskrant is not satisfied with the current structure of the Volkskrant (a newspaper) blogservice. A member of a pro-pedophaelia political party had a...

Pro-Ana sites on NoVa (movie)

‘Pro ana sites’ heten ze: internet sites waarop bezoekers elkaar aansporen om door te gaan met afvallen, hoe ongezond dat ook is. Uit recent Amerikaans onderzoek blijkt nu dat die sites een gevaarlijk effect hebben. Regelmatige bezoekers van pro...

presentation Ted Nelson


Paul Fournel

Under construction

Roy Ascott has been wikified

Pioneering the place of cybernetics and telematics in art, Roy Ascott has been working with issues of art, technology and consciousness since the 1960s. He was born in Bath, England on 26 October 1934, and educated at the City...
Utopia on the Dutch wikipedia!

Utopia on the Dutch wikipedia!

I wanted to make a substantial wikipedia contribution and found out that there is no Dutch description about the online webgame Utopia. So I wrote one here –> and subsequently fucked up the URL. Oh well.

Wikipedia entry: Ketelhuis

I love Wikipedia, I use it on a regular basis, but I never thought about contributing anything. Why not? I’ve never searched for something that wasn’t there and I’ve never encountered something that I thought was incomplete or incorrect...

Cut-Up Method at Work

A friend was inspired after a conversation about the cut-up method and the article William S. Burroghs wrote. The result is below the fold, enjoy.

Hui Chen on

I put Hui Chen, the eight year old boy who is staying in jail in Zeist because his mother hasn’t got a valid visa, on Let’s hope he doesn’t get deported so he will see the entry...

Wikipedia: editing McLuhan

At Wikipedia I have added a quote from Marshall McLuhan. I found this quote last year when I was writing my bachelor thesis. However, I could not find the book or article where this quote came from. So I...

Wikipedia: Bands, VR and Cyberspace

Wikipedia as band promotion? Maybe, it sure makes your band better searchable on the internet. I added an entry to the Dutch Wikipedia about the band I play in, check out the entry at Wikipedia NL. Of course Wikipedia...

Ethnic Stereotypes in Video Games

I managed to update an english wiki on the subject of my BA thesis. It’s been annoying me for years that racial stereotypes are widely studies in all media except for video games. Considering the’re very influential and played...
Masters of Media at PICNIC06

Masters of Media at PICNIC06

We raised our voices at the crossmedia conference PICNIC06 We raised questions at the conference such as: Gestural interfaces sound swell, but what if you are disabled? (John Underkoffer about G-speak) Aren’t brainwaves more practical and less tiring for...