Onderzoek doen naar Nieuwe Media verschijnselen wordt veelal moeilijk gemaakt door allerlei bugs. Hierbij een analoge variant waarmee ik vandaag in aanraking kwam:
A powerpoint presentation on the cooperate use of social software/Web2.0 for the promotion of events. Think about the usage of blogs/Myspace for the promotion of events. With quotes by Howard Rheingold (Free cooperation) and Geert Lovink (Zero Comments). (Powerpoint...
By Twan Eikelenboom
on 09/17/06 Comments Off on (Free) Promotion: Using social software for event promotion
The following text discusses Turing and living computers. The text is in Dutch: Vroeger toen ik op de basisschool zat werd mij gevraagd een oplossing te geven op één van de vele varianten van het volgende raadsel: Stel je...
By Roman Tol
on 09/13/06 Comments Off on Can machines think?
Douglas Engelbart – From Augmenting Human Intellect: A conceptual framework Engelbart tries to solve the problem that the complexity of problems is growing exponentially. Therefore people need an artefact to be able to continue to solve these complex problems....
By Heleen
on 09/13/06 Comments Off on Discussion Article Douglas Engelbart
While watching Hart van Nederland (I’m sorry, I know I shouldn’t…;-) I saw a news item on girls who motivate each other to practice a pro-anorexia lifestyle. At first i thought it was one of those blown up techno fear stories, but to my...
When surfing the web for a blogculture to study, I coincidentally arrived in the miraculous world of modblogging. Check out the following website on the subject: http://modblog.bmezine.com/2006/04/page/6/ There appears to be a fairly big group of people that gets...
By Eva Kol
on 09/11/06 Comments Off on Modblogging
Summary of this post in English: In this post I give an outline of a research of blogs I would like to undertake. I would like to see how many Dutch politicians have a blog. Then I would like...
By Heleen
on 09/10/06 Comments Off on Political Blogs/ Blogs about children with behavioral problems
Concise conspiracy guide to the web Films ‘Loose change’ – www.loosechange911.com ‘Martial Law’ – http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-6517776133137328105&q=alex+jones ‘Everybody’s got to learn sometime’ – http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-8372366181300641663 Sites on conspiracy www.ditkannietwaarzijn.nl www.vkmag.com/zapruder/C50 www.daanspeak.com/1/911.html www.911review.org www.911blogger.com www.cooperativeresearch.org/project.jsp?project=911_project www.rense.com/general66/dirt.htm www.pentagonresearch.com www.911truth.org www.st911.org Sites that go against...
By Roman Tol
on 09/10/06 Comments Off on 9/11 Conspiracy blogculture
Although blogs do provide coverage of the struggle of the SGP youth (the most conversative Dutch Christian party), this seems to be a one-sided debate. The news is clearly stated on the (static) website of the SGP youth (except...
By Twan Eikelenboom
on 09/07/06 Comments Off on Dutch Christian SGP Blog Culture vs Madonna
On page three, paragraph three Lovink states that ‘blogs were the actual catalysts that realized democratization’. But wasn’t Usenet an early catalyst? Or is Usenet dismissed because it has never reached critical mass? He also states on page three,...