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The Digitization of DJing: From Analog Vinyl Records to Time-code Systems and Video Plug-ins

The Digitization of DJing: From Analog Vinyl Records to Time-code Systems and Video Plug-ins

“The personal and social consequences of any medium -that is, of any extension of ourselves- result from the new scale that is introduced into our affairs by each extension of ourselves, or by any new technology” (McLuhan, 1964, p.203)....
Remediation in Grand Theft Auto

Remediation in Grand Theft Auto

Remediation is definitely one of those well-known concepts that new media scholars can discuss about for hours. According to Bolter and Grusin, remediation is the representation of ‘old’ media in new media. Characteristics of television and radio, for instance,...
The Internet is now built on mass surveillance

The Internet is now built on mass surveillance

Brought to light in recent months, the Edward Snowden-powered NSA leaks have publicized the wholesale spying efforts by US and UK intelligence agencies that undermine the very fabric of the Internet – turning it into a vast surveillance program...


It was not far ago when in order for you to have a video game experience you had to purchase a game package which included a DVD and instructions. Nowadays, with the evolution of the internet, games are bought...
Drones reconfigured?

Drones reconfigured?

Not too long ago I wrote  a short blog (in Dutch) about the increasing popularity of drones. By drones I mean unmanned (aerial) robotic vehicles and obviously not the variousity of species of male insects. In this post, I...
Audio Streaming Aesthetics: Who Cares?

Audio Streaming Aesthetics: Who Cares?

After more than a century of constantly re-inventing audio recording and playback, plenty of disagreement exists about which methods are the best. The invention of portable playback devices has certainly not made it easier to take your own pick....
From Coin to Movie Ticket: the changed currency in the gaming industry

From Coin to Movie Ticket: the changed currency in the gaming industry

Amazing voice-acting,  a great and mature storyline, emotional depth and solid directing while keeping the action tense and gripping. Judging from this praise above many would be inclined to say the subject matter here is a big budget Hollywood...
Facebook enhances the brand image in consumer minds

Facebook enhances the brand image in consumer minds

Facebook is becoming a marketing tool involved in the 2.0. strategy, itself involved in the global brand’s strategy. The 2.0. strategy draws on social networks, as a marketing medium, and has a bidirectional communication that calls for creativity, rigor and...
From Disabilities to New Abilities

From Disabilities to New Abilities

Have you ever thought about how visually impaired or hearing-impaired follow TV shows? Since television is taken for granted a long time ago, we usually ignore the fact that, for some, watching television can be indeed hard. Following TV...
Privacy in the digital age

Privacy in the digital age

We live in an age where we share everything online. We share photos of our loved ones, our political thoughts but moreover we share irrelevant information. The internet has made this all possible. Companies like Facebook, Whatsapp, Twitter and...
Social network is aging. What’s next?

Social network is aging. What’s next?

We’re hopelessly addicted to social platforms as if it would be still revolutionary in our lives but is anyone thinking about it to be aging? People start getting bored with social networks because it does change in the way...

The failure of Interactive Whiteboard

But did it really fail? Rather, Interactive Whiteboard (IWB) is in fact a huge success from the business perspective of educational technology. Introduced in early 2000s and richly funded by educational technology industries and governments, IWB has obtained the...
From the Digital into the Physical: 3D Printing

From the Digital into the Physical: 3D Printing

In the west district of Amsterdam there is a building called the “old ACTA”, which is an old dentist academy and is now used for student housing and as a place where artists have their workshops. A few weeks...
Total transparancy or personal privacy?

Total transparancy or personal privacy?

With the possibility to send, spread and pick up information online in a blink of an eye, the demand for transparancy is growing. Hackers like Julian Assange and Edward Snowden publish classified and sensitive government information. According to them...


Visualizing individual measures of emotion

Visualizing individual measures of emotion

Personal monitoring is becoming increasingly present in many of our daily routines as a conscious and voluntary choice. If you are an outdoor fitness enthusiastic, then you are probably aware of how many miles you ran last month and...
Improving your game performance with data visualization

Improving your game performance with data visualization

Nowadays, more and more game producers release video games on digital distribution platforms. Besides the increase in digital distribution of game content, these platforms and game developers offer gamers an experience out of a gameplay environment. For instance, these...
The language of dynamic and interactive graphics

The language of dynamic and interactive graphics

This blog post explores if and how the framework for the analysis of static graphics offered by Yuri Engelhardt in his PhD thesis, The language of graphics: A framework for the analysis of syntax and meaning in maps, charts...
Analyzing Information Visualization Projects on the Topic of Economic Inequality

Analyzing Information Visualization Projects on the Topic of Economic Inequality

The current paper focuses on information visualization projects related to the topic of economic inequality which can, in this particular case, be more specifically categorized under “speculative visualization” as defined by the authors Tanyoung Kim and Carl DiSalvo in...
The evil publishers and the worlds knowledge

The evil publishers and the worlds knowledge

In my previous blog post I pointed out that free information does not exist, for there’s always someone who has to gather the information, and that person needs to live. It sounds like a way advocate the way things...
The price of information

The price of information

Thanks to the internet there is a lot of information available, for not much more than the cost of an internet connection. With the access to all that information, we might start to think that all that information is...
The Issues of Winning The Ecosystem War

The Issues of Winning The Ecosystem War

“WE ARE IN THE MIDST OF A COLD WAR BETWEEN THE LARGEST TECHNOLOGY COMPANIES IN THE INDUSTRY*”, boldly states tech journalist Dieter Bohn in his overview of Apple’s, Google’s and Microsoft’s battling ecosystems . This “war” won’t be won...
Collage, Internet and the freedom of images

Collage, Internet and the freedom of images

Nonlegal consumption and circulation of content have powerful implications for the sociopolitical changes that are en route to shifting the momentum of production in today’s world. In terms of contemporary art and the effects of freely shared visual information,...
European Commission: online piracy helps music sales

European Commission: online piracy helps music sales

Although it has been criticized as being a main cause of the musical industry decline, the online piracy of music files actually appears to help to provide access to legal content, shows a recent study of the European Commission’s...