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Consumentenbond goes Twitter (and hopefully learns from it)

The Dutch consumers union, the ‘Consumentenbond’, wants to reach new audiences. With their monthly magazine, readers can figure out which broom or coffee machine is the best buy, often leaving out impurities of production methods (well, not always). This time,...

Mark Meadows discussing The Authority Of Robots

Monday the 24th of November, Mark Meadows will be visiting the University of Amsterdam for a discussion on 'The Authority Of Robots: How Automated Systems Are Automating Us'. The discussion will be held at the Media Studies building on...

Shift happens

Sometimes, one needs to let the youtube do the talking. Suffice to say, we’re in the thick of it.

New Network Theory – Review

For three executive sunny days last week, the humanity studies faculty of the University of Amsterdam hosted the New Network Theory conference. This four party collaborative initiative – consisting of Amsterdam School of Cultural Analysis, Institute of Network cultures,...

Wait – what’s a blog again?

In an ongoing discussion on a forum I got into a scuffle with a formidable opponent about what blogs exactly are. I tried parroting all that I had been taught in various classes during the BA and MA courses...
Marshall McLuhan on Televised Presidential Debates

Marshall McLuhan on Televised Presidential Debates

So I was browsing around YouTube and stumbled upon this video of McLuhan on the Today Show: I think presidential debates are indeed exemplary of the adage “The Medium is the Message”. It’s refreshing to see media theory from...
Text chatting versus Face to Face talking

Text chatting versus Face to Face talking

I’m getting rather tired of people ranting on about the inferiority of text-based conversation such as MSN, ICQ, AIM, Yahoo! messenger, G-talk and IRC. The prevailing opinion seems to be that face to face communication is hands down superior to online...

Blogger sued for copyright infringement

The Telegraaf (Dutch newspaper) reported in their issue of yesterday that Perez Hilton (real name Mario Lavandeira) is being sued for 7.5 million dollars by 7 photo agencies. This blogger searches the internet for photo’s of celebrities and then...
Classic Philosophers and New Media

Classic Philosophers and New Media

I want to post a discussion question here about the use of the classic philosophers (ie Aristotle, Plato, etc.) and the link with New Media studies. And also a call for links on this subject, if anyone knows any....