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Amazonian Geeks and Social Activism: An Ethnographic Study

A couple of months ago I went to Brazil to conduct my MA reseach in the North of Brazil. This ethnographic study offers insight in the usage and appropriation of ICTs and the several projects and initiatives aiming at...

Grammars of Process: Agency, Collective Becoming, and the Organization of Software

Despite years of theorization, a concise definition of what constitutes a medium remains elusive. A practice-based case study in generative typesetting leads to an analytics of becoming that highlights the external dynamics of media. Rather than the referentially recursive...

Bringing the Libre: An Interview with Free Software Developer Jon Phillips

At the recent Libre Graphics Meeting in Brussels, I had the lucky pleasure of meeting Jon Phillips, a man with seemingly as many projects in a given moment as he has fingers and toes. Just a few of his...

Graphics con Libre: Designing tools for design outside and beyond the proprietary

Though I’m following up quite late, I wanted to list highlights of the presentations I attended at the Libre Graphics Meeting in Brussels (about which I’ve blogged before). While I strongly suggest you look at the recorded presentation archive...

Libre Graphics Meeting: FLOSS Design Conference in Brussels (27-30 May 2010)

Tomorrow I will be attending the Libre Graphics Meeting in Brussels. This conference is both free as in beer and free as in relating to the best projects the free, libre, and open source communities have to offer in...

Towards Digital Inclusion: Gathering, Digesting and Creating ICTs

‘Problems are not a monopoly of the South and solutions are not a monopoly of the North’. Particularly the latter part of this quote struck me, since within many studies on developmental aid and ICT4D (Information and Communication Technology...