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Alberto Angelini

italian, male / creativitheoretical guy / videoartisan and polymusician / BA in cinema, past experiences as screenwriter & director both for tv and independent projects / addicted to bergamot tea / currently training to become a master of media / compulsive reader / vaguely vegetarian
How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Mysterious LED

How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Mysterious LED

Wandering around some Mac-aficionado forums in search of good repairing tips for my powerbook maybe-a-bit-old’n’dusty-thus-winding-way-too-slow-and-definitely-too-noisy internal fan, I found this amazing asynchronous, multi-user dispersed chat: user A: I keep my powerbook on my desk when I work. When it goes to...

From book to booooooooooooooooooooook

In a recent work about the future of printed literature, italian intellectual Umberto Eco describes the book as an eternal technology, something similar to a spoon or a bycicle: while time goes by and innovations pop up ceaselessly, some...
Twitter as a conceptual frame

Twitter as a conceptual frame

Most people think Twitter was “created” in 2006. These are the same people who think Richard Gere created Buddhism in the 1990′s, just before Madonna created yoga. Folks, like the sun, moon, and stars, Twitter has always been. This...
Rolling up the vignettape

Rolling up the vignettape

My wikipedia entry is about an italian cartoon called “L’Omino Bufo”, in loving memory of those bizarre and hilarious strips I used to read (and enjoy to the tears) as a child. Since the available online information was very...
Excerpts of audiovisual astronomy

Excerpts of audiovisual astronomy

In the first systematic study about movie stardom and its heavy influence on early mass culture, Edgar Morin (1957) argues that during the golden studio-age Hollywood was able to dramatically change the ritual function of the mythical universe: by...
Book Review: “L’umanista digitale” by Teresa Numerico, Domenico Fiormonte and Francesca Tomasi

Book Review: “L’umanista digitale” by Teresa Numerico, Domenico Fiormonte and Francesca Tomasi

Starting from its very title (“The digital humanist”), all in this book is clearly rooted into a hybrid philosophy, a way of looking at things from an interdisciplinary point of view. The context is that of Digital Humanities or...

I’ve got higher chances of dying crushed by some space debris than of trusting my yahoo inbox (these days)

I’m desperately searching for a house. I was supposed to move into a quite small but cozy flat in the Jordaan, one of the most gezellig-driven district of Amsterdam, but in the end the lady who was offering me...