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Bram van der Kruk

My name is Bram van der Kruk, I am 27 years old and an aspiring new media theorist based in Amsterdam. My area of academic interest and professional expertise concerns new media in education. Being a full-time English teacher myself, I deal with the drifting apart of educational practice and students on a day to day basis. Moving back and forth from their wired, graphic, global digital environments into the classroom and that one person in front of class to listen to. Any observant teacher will notice this at one time or another during his or her career, a professional requirement for working in school being to listen to and adapt to students‘ needs. But to dig into both the methodological consequences of teaching digital natives and how this would affect their participation in today‘s mediascape is something most teachers will not have the time, resources and background for. The demand for new ideas concerning this intersection of media and education is one of the reasons I chose to commit myself to this area of new media theory.

Srebrenica and the Dutch Wikipedia

With the case against Ratko Mladic underway, the collective blind spot developed by the Dutch for the massacre of Srebrenica is again taking central stage in news coverage.  The argument for a supposed blind spot may be backed up...

Digital text and Language Learning

The replacement of printed text by digital text might strike us as another carefully manufactured revolution, but those who have had a lifelong use of communications and media technologies surrounding them  might not be as intimidated by this transition...

Wikipedia for Experts

I am in the process of creating an English Wikipedia page for the school I work at, Het Amsterdams Lyceum. The state I initially found this Wikipedia page in is illustrative of the reasons many teachers believe forms of...

The Real Bubble of Virtual Worlds.

With the world economy  recovering from the greatest financial crisis in modern times, researching its effect on the virtual economies that people playfully or laboriously engage with in online worlds would be interesting, relevant and difficult.  The supposed correlation...

Book Review: “What do you mean, no internet?!”

What do you mean, no internet?! Is a collection of argumentative essays written by 28 3rd year Media Production students . In 2009 over three hundred students wrote these essays to fulfill the requirements of their Media and Society...

No school like the old school

Schools are complicated places, they not only mirror society’s obstacles and challenges but also represent our collective hopes for youth, education and knowledge. Teaching is to an extend an individual enterprise in that many teachers adopt a style of...

Play and learn

In this post I will try to describe the way videogames have helped pave the way for information visualization as a tool for digital native learners by consistently  tracking and visualizing achievements. I will also try to show how...