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Jelle Kamsma

I am a MA student of New Media at the University of Amsterdam. I have a bachelor degree in Media and Culture. After three years mostly focussing on film and visual culture I've made the switch to new media. Mostly because I'm interested in journalism and how it has to adapt to the new media. I just finished an internship at ANP Video, a Dutch press agency that makes short video-items for different newssites. I'm curious to find out how new media theories will aply to my experiences in the practical field.

Towards a methodology for Web-based investigative reporting

This article discusses the implementation of new online methods in the field of investigative journalism. The development and nature of investigative reporting are shortly discussed before turning to the ways Internet research is conducted in the field of new...

Information Overload at eComm

The first day of the Emerging Communications (eComm) Conference & Awards was an excellent opportunity to make a first acquaintance with Google Wave, the new communication platform by Google. Participants of the conference were all provided with an invite and...

The Geospatial Dimension of News

In one of his blogposts Chris Anderson came up with rather expressive metaphor for a phenomena we all experience in relation to news: ‘That our interest in a subject is in inverse proportion to its distance (geographic, emotional or...

Is Twitter Gonna Kill Us?

“Everywhere one seeks to produce meaning, to make the world signify, to render it visible. We are not, however, in danger of lacking meaning; quite the contrary, we are gorged with meaning and it is killing us.” – Jean...

How can Social Network Sites help artists to make money?

Big record companies like to blame the internet for the decreasing amount of albums that are being sold in the conventional shops. It seems to me that one of the main characteristics of big conglomerates like the record industry...

Sexuality and Wikipedia

Foucault argued that political power and coercion is not only exercised by our government but also by institutions which we don’t immediately see as political, like our education or our healthcare. I would like to add Wikipedia to that...
A Review of: Taken Out of Context

A Review of: Taken Out of Context

She’s being called the rockstar of social network sites and has done some extensive research on the subject. The American academic Danah Boyd has now completed her PhD dissertation, “Taken Out of Context: American Teen Sociality in Networked Publics”,...