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The history of Dutch newspaper websites, 1996-2011

The history of Dutch newspaper websites, 1996-2011

During the late-1990s newspapers began to move onto the Internet en masse, giving rise to the question whether these digital immigrants would adapt to the new world of the internet and make full use of the opportunities offered by...

Twitter vs. Established Media: Gatewatching, Information Dissemination and #OccupyLSX

A summary of paper presented at the DMI Winter School Mini-Conference, Amsterdam (January 2012) Abstract: Twitter is a social media platform where users’ messages  can take flight, gain elevation (RT function), achieve direction (@ function), and be grouped together...

TOP: Egypt, Twitter, and Activism.

Activism and social network platforms such as Twitter and Facebook are mentioned together more often than ever. The 2009 Iranian election protest was nicknamed the ‘Twitter Revolution,’ and the more recent protests in Egypt are depicted similarly. The platforms...
MIN(D)ING Your Data

MIN(D)ING Your Data

Last week, ‘surveillance and control’ was the theme the Masters of Media-students were debating about. Theorists as Michel Foucault, Deleuze, Galloway and Thacker and Chun passed the revue. With the articles of the last three theorist there was some...
Recalling RFID: Full Report

Recalling RFID: Full Report

Recalling RFID was held on Friday the 19th and Saturday the 20th of October at de Balie. This unique event included presentations on RFID, debates and digital connectivity scenarios by industry representatives, academics, artists, privacy advocates, programmers and consultants....

Lev Manovich on User Generated Content @ Video Vortex

The following post is a combination of a transcription of Manovich’s keynote and my own notes and commentary. Introduction by Geert Lovink Online video is renegotiating its (problematic) relationship with cinema. It deals with cinematographic principles versus the principles...

The University of Amsterdam’s ‘Great Man Theory’ on Wikipedia

Together with Erik, I’m working on a Digital Methods project called ‘Repurposing the Wikiscanner‘, where we try to adopt the infamous tool for uses other than scandal hunting. We’re still working on it, but here’s a nice preview. So...

Recalling RFID

two-day public program on RFID and things to come. 19 & 20 OCTOBER 2007 DE BALIE AMSTERDAM It’s in travel documents, building passes, pet animals, clothing stores, libraries, public pools, theme parks and prisons… and yet only a...
Reflections on Uses of Blogs

Reflections on Uses of Blogs

Cross-posted at Politics of Many Minds From the perspective of Politics of Many Minds, and doing research into the ‘natively digital’ more general, the book Uses of Blogs provided me some interesting thoughts on investigating blogging and the blogosphere....