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“De Sleepwet”: Why five students are trying to protect the privacy of Dutch citizens

“De Sleepwet”: Why five students are trying to protect the privacy of Dutch citizens

A revised version of the Dutch law on intelligence and security is challenged by five students, because it violates the right to privacy. They started a campaign with the goal to enable a referendum, in an effort to protect...

Dark blog

As the first half of this semester draws to an end, and we all wrap up our compulsory blogging and prepare for the next hurdles of our MA course, I was surprised at not hearing a single word about...
Book Review: Files: Law and Media Technology – by Cornelia Vismann

Book Review: Files: Law and Media Technology – by Cornelia Vismann

In here book, Vismann writes a geneology of the media-technological conditions of files and recording devices with a view to their largest area of application, the law. Files in this geneology are defined as the medium between the authority...
Remediation pur sang

Remediation pur sang

Last tuesday I discovered the following news bulletin on ‘Mogelijk tijdslot voor internet- uitzendingen publieke omroep’ in which is explained that resigning minister of Education, Culture and Science André Rouvoet plans to use a timelock on adult televison...