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We have Fans at Home: Artists x Twitch Streaming

We have Fans at Home: Artists x Twitch Streaming

Thanks to the pandemic, Artists on Twitch is an emerging subculture that utilises the platforms affordances to provide a candid intimated experience for fans, while being able to receive support simultaneously. As always, while individuals are creating content for...
Video Assisted Refereeing in Football: The False Idol of Mechanical Objectivity

Video Assisted Refereeing in Football: The False Idol of Mechanical Objectivity

 “When phenomena are variously reduced to data, they are divided and classified, processes that work to obscure — or as if to obscure — ambiguity, conflict, and contradiction.” – Lisa Gitelman Finally, the pseudo-objectivist logic of Big Data has...
Amazon Prime Air – convenience, surveillance and more from your “friendly” ecosystem

Amazon Prime Air – convenience, surveillance and more from your “friendly” ecosystem

“The pleasure of consumerism is so widespread that it is has reached the status of a universal human right” (Lovink 4). But for a right like that to exist, others had to fall – such as individual and collective...
A Capitalist Does Not Always Pay His Debts: On Debt, Rentism, and Inequality

A Capitalist Does Not Always Pay His Debts: On Debt, Rentism, and Inequality

Debt, governance, and inequality are three of the main building blocks of capitalist economies. These economies have features that allow great wealth to essentially reproduce itself in the absence of strong governance regulation, which in turn typically leads to...
Escape the Overcode – Wild Cards project

Escape the Overcode – Wild Cards project

Brian Holmes wrote the book “Escape the overcode. Activist art in control society” as a part of a wider  long-term collaborative research project “Continental Drift”. The research focused on the geopolitics and geopoetics. In the book, Brian Holmes discusses...
Internet Imperialized

Internet Imperialized

In 2010, redirected users to Google released an official blog post announcing that it would no longer censor search results for Chinese users. The decision proceeded an allegation that U.S. companies (Google included) had been attacked by...
The End of the Golden Rule

The End of the Golden Rule

Capitalism in Cyberspace In February 1996 the American political activist John Perry Barlow  published his political web manifest ‘A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace’. This declaration of independence was directed at all the governments of the industrial world and...

Book review of: Animal Spirits

In Animal Spirits, Matteo Pasquinelli takes on a burdensome task of elaborating on modern digital culture (or capitalism) from the viewpoint of complicated philisophical sociology. This goes alongside John Keynes’ definition of the animal spirits as a dynamic endogenious...