Web Aesthetics ‘book adaption’ on Facebook
By: Basri Hoogstrate, Jeroen Rademakers, Jules Mataly and Juliana Marques
The Wild Card Symposium, part of our Master Degree at the University of Amsterdam gave us the occasion to read a book as a group, discuss it and came up with a different way to introduce and present a piece of writing.
As a group, we decided to pick the book Web Aesthetics: How Digital Media Affect Culture and Society by Italian media theorist Vito Campanelli. The publication is a map of new media and Internet practices. It spreads a lot of different ideas, which can be a bit disconcerting at the beginning and is limited by the medium itself: there are no links, no videos or images, although there are many references to this type of content and other multimedia projects. In order to capture most important ideas, projects and artworks Campanelli refers to, we came up with a Facebook page. This was not only a way to gather interesting information and references of the book, but also to critically reflect and update some chapters, because the book was already finished in 2010.
In addition, we recorded an interview with Vito Campanelli to present some ideas of the book. This gave us to opportunity to ask the author some specific things and give him the chance to directly reflect on the page about our understanding of his own ideas.
The page is online, you’re more than welcome to comment, post questions, images, discussions and interact: