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Ariadna Matamoros Fernandez

Listen to This: Don’t Miss the Sound to Convey Data!

Listen to This: Don’t Miss the Sound to Convey Data!

Aristotle wrote in his work Metaphysics that sight is man’s most significant sense. “We understand because we see”, Alberto Cairo similarly states in his book The functional Art. Philosophy has tried to understand sight and the relation between images and human perception since the beginning...
Tactical Media: beyond the digital

Tactical Media: beyond the digital

In preparation for the Wildcards Symposium as part of the New Media Theories course, we have read and critiqued Rita Raley’s 2009 publication, Tactical Media. Though the book reads as a fairly good overview of the concept of tactical...
We Are Here: Locating micro-social dynamics of mediation

We Are Here: Locating micro-social dynamics of mediation

We Are Here (Dutch: Wij Zijn Hier) sums about 220 refugees that are actively searching for security and shelter in Amsterdam on a daily basis. In their very first blog post, they have stated their core objective: We are...
Open knowledge? Spain must try harder

Open knowledge? Spain must try harder

In our times, hackers like Julian Assange or Edward Snowden are the talk of the town. We could define them as sorts of Robins Hoods, heroics outlaw that “rob” information from the elites and give it to everyday people...