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Eva Kol

I recently got my MA degree at the VU studying CIW (in my case a combination of Dutch literature, Italian and communication sciences). At the moment I'm happily working to become a Master of (New!) Media at the UvA. My thesis will be about the social networking website Hyves.

A member survey on location-based social networks

I herewith include the essay I wrote for New Media Theories, which is about location-based social networking websites. I did a small member survey by interviewing members of sites like Dodgeball, Plazes and Meetro. The many responses I received were...
Flash Mobs in the age of mobile connectivity

Flash Mobs in the age of mobile connectivity

Since we didn’t have enough time yesterday to do all the presentations, I will give you a summary of the article on flash mobs by Judith Nicholson (2005). What is a flash mob? According to a definition by the...
Generation here: 3G mobile phone technology

Generation here: 3G mobile phone technology

My presentation is on the Motorola-sponsored research “Generation here:   exploring the impact of 3G mobile phone technology on global communications”. It talks about the key developments in the field of mobile phone technology of the third generation. Between 2004-2006 a...

A review of “Gatewatching: Collaborative Online News Production” (2005) written by Axel Bruns

“Gatewatching” is a fairly expanded study on collaborative publishing of online news. Bruns describes the practice of journalistic gatekeeping which refers to a regime of control over what content is allowed to emerge from production processes in the media....

Blog ‘fatigue duty’

Tasks: Check the codes in the posts if the layout looks messy. Check the comments through Manage > Awaiting moderation (delete spam: “mark all as spam” > “moderate comments”). Update the blogroll. Write a post on a new media...
An example of online collaboration

An example of online collaboration

The marketplace at the social network Hyves is an example of online collaboration. Theorist C. Shipley makes a distinction between cooperation and collaboration: “Collaboration is a much less involved affair in which sole, independent participants advance separately.”...
Hassan Bahara’s wiki

Hassan Bahara’s wiki

I wikied the writer Hassan Bahara, whose book Een verhaal uit de stad Damsko I used for writing my thesis. As I promised, I added a few internal and external links. It’s my first wiki ever, but I think...
Web 2.0 review: Webjay

Web 2.0 review: Webjay

What’s it for? On Listible I found the website Webjay which is a so called ‘playlist community’ from Yahoo. The site introduces itself as ‘a tool that helps you listen to and publish web playlists.’ People can upload songs...


LOL :) I don’t think we made it to the front page of any important newspaper, but I found the picture of us getting a tan in between classes on the ANP-website :)   “AMSTERDAM – Studenten ‘nieuwe media’...

An example of online market collaboration



When surfing the web for a blogculture to study, I coincidentally arrived in the miraculous world of modblogging. Check out the following website on the subject: There appears to be a fairly big group of people that gets...