Irina Enache
This is Irina - PR, online marketing, arts and (new) media passionate. Oh, and also with an interest in entrepreneurship.
I graduated in 2011 from The Faculty of Communication and Public Relations of the National School of Political and Administrative Studies - Bucharest, Romania. It's not here that I found the first 2 passions - I chose to have more fun during studies so I was busy writing my thesis on visual humour and its critique on modernity. That's quite a few late nights spent watching silent films!
I worked in several online projects that promoted arts & cultural events using social media, as well as a PR Specialist for a contemporary art magazine.
Since January 2012 I am collaborating with 10 amazing people on an online startup called TimeBank Romania (more details in a published blog post).
My new Media Research is networks analysis, online communities and creative currencies.