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Nicholas Vieira

#IC14NL: Selfiecity

#IC14NL: Selfiecity

The 7th Infographic Conference took place last month on March 7th and featured Selfiecity, a collaborative project led by Lev Manovich and the Software Studies Initiative that was presented to the audience  by fellow team member Mortiz Stefaner. Launched in...


On Thursday afternoon March 27th seven interactive data visualization projects will be presented, developed by Master students of the University of Amsterdam. Show Me The Data is an annual event which is open to the public, click here for...
Flat Genie: Your trusted resource for living in amsterdam

Flat Genie: Your trusted resource for living in amsterdam

We proudly present, a website developed for the New Media Practices project. Flat Genie is a place to find accurate, personal, and easy-to-use information about living in Amsterdam (and soon other cities around the world). There are three...
Hacking the Digital: Fingerprint Secured Touch ID from Apple

Hacking the Digital: Fingerprint Secured Touch ID from Apple

The iPhone 5S is a revised version of its predecessor, the iPhone 5, and was unveiled to the general public last month on September 20th. Aside from various improvements and new available features, Apple’s new fingerprint-based identity sensor, Touch...
The Internet is now built on mass surveillance

The Internet is now built on mass surveillance

Brought to light in recent months, the Edward Snowden-powered NSA leaks have publicized the wholesale spying efforts by US and UK intelligence agencies that undermine the very fabric of the Internet – turning it into a vast surveillance program...