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Telegram groups as Online Alterity: Empowering or Disempowering?

Telegram groups as Online Alterity: Empowering or Disempowering?

Over the recent years, there have been many debates on freedom of expression and user privacy online. While moderation on social media platforms seems to be increasing every year, messaging app Telegram chooses a different path, saying they are...
Build your own community on Discord

Build your own community on Discord

Initially meant as a platform for online gaming, text and voice chat app Discord has become much more than that. It allows for communities to sprout and conversations to spark. But where do we draw the line on the...
FemInstagram: can Instagram help fight sexism?

FemInstagram: can Instagram help fight sexism?

Lena Dunham, Feminista Jones, Anna Gensler, Rupi Kaur are only a few of the many social media activists, involved in the debate on feminist issues, but all of them report having been victims of cyber-bullying in one way or another. Besides...
Amazon starts removing ‘questionable reviews’

Amazon starts removing ‘questionable reviews’

What do you do when you are one of the biggest online department stores and the review system that once seemed like an effective tool for customers to share experiences turns out to be used for fake reviews, through...

My Wikipedia experience: Stewards, Moderators and Hitler

So, that’s why I thought I could easily handle this wiki-entry assignment. I started working on the translation of the page of the European Culture Foundation. While doing this I received an email that there was to much...