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Book Review: Crowdsourcing, How the Power of the Crowd is Driving the Future of Business by Jeff Howe.

Book Review: Crowdsourcing, How the Power of the Crowd is Driving the Future of Business by Jeff Howe.

What do YouTube, Wikipedia, IMDB, Tripadvisor, Linux, iStockphoto and Firefox all have in common? They exist through the collective efforts of millions of ordinary users like you and me. The strategy behind the success of these websites is crowdsourcing:...

Classification, culture & the tag

Web 2.0 tagging systems like Flickr’s categorize the website’s content bottom-up. The classification is powered by users applying their common sense and intuition; wisdom-of-the-crowd, resulting in a folk taxonomy of everything that is to be found in the Flickr...

The Wiki Beehive

Generally Wikipedia is praised for it’s collective driven overload of information. “Britannica’s biggest errors are of omission, not commission. It’s shallow in some categories and out of date in many others. And then there are the millions of entries...