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Safia Akkus

Safia Akkus is a New Media & Digital Culture student with an interest in safety and security in the digital age.
Training Wheels

Training Wheels

As one of the cultural capitals of Europe, thousands of international students (2,000 at the University of Amsterdam alone), new residents and tourists convene in Amsterdam every year.  Unfortunately, not everyone who comes to Amsterdam has the typical Dutch...
Anti-drone clothing: fashionably paranoid?

Anti-drone clothing: fashionably paranoid?

Privacy, surveillance, technology and design: in the workshop ‘Warzone Wearables’ clothes and accessories are being adapted in order to escape the all-seeing eye of your physical and social surroundings. 
Getting to know Amsterdam through festivals

Getting to know Amsterdam through festivals

Hopefully the new international students already got a glimpse of The Nederlands and noticed that is not only a country filled with tulips, windmills and grazing cows. No, the Dutchies also have a lot to offer regarding art and music: a little under...