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Sisi Yu

Yu Sisi, born in 1983, graduated in 2006 from Fudan University, and worked in Wieden + Kennedy Shanghai as copywriter since 2005.

She talks less then she writes, writes less than she lives, and lives less than she thinks. After trying accessory design, marketing, and copywriting, she now gets into fiction writing. She loves movies, art, traveling, fashion, alcohol, money…and people. Everything inspires her. After all, universe is transformation and life is opinion.

Happy Bookmarking

Happiness is effective. Emotional states can be transferred directly from one to another among people in social life, while few people realize the same phenomenon applies to social networks. Out of this James H. Fowler from Department of Political...
We Are All In a show: Be a Mad Man on Twitter

We Are All In a show: Be a Mad Man on Twitter

So here is the story. You log in your Twitter account and find one user named exactly as a character on one current TV episodes, then another, and another. Obviously they are not real, although they talk exactly as...

Is Wikipedia a Victim of Its Own Success?

Early in 2007, something strange happened: Wikipedia's growth line flattened. People suddenly became reluctant to create new articles or fix errors or add their kernels of wisdom to existing pages...
Fakebook on Facebook

Fakebook on Facebook

Fake is not necessarily referring to anything bad here. Basically they are real people with a fake or virtual identity. They are like actors on the Internet instead of movies or TV episodes. They have certain characters with their...
Does Wikipedia bore you: from Visual Flaw to Limitation

Does Wikipedia bore you: from Visual Flaw to Limitation

Wikipedia is widely known as an online text dictionary. At the same time visuals are hardly used. Though Wikipedia is now publishing its beta version, which offers relatively more modern interface, it is far from engaging the rest of...

A Review of: Mapping E-Culture, Navigating E-Culture, Walled Garden

Mapping E-Culture, Navigating E-Culture, and Walled Garden, the three books coming along in a box, picture the general look of the electronic scenery we are in through the decade. Besides interviews to several key influencers, research essays and some...

Nike: Just Do Digital

"We don't do advertising any more. We just do cool stuff," says Pestridge. "It sounds a bit wanky, but that's just the way it is. Advertising is all about achieving awareness, and we no longer need awareness. We need...