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Radio 2.0 – Using Innovative Technologies in the Effort to Connect the Unconnected

Radio 2.0 – Using Innovative Technologies in the Effort to Connect the Unconnected

Web 2.0 for a Global Society ? As defined by Wikipedia, the term Web 2.0 “encapsulates the idea of the proliferation of interconnectivity and interactivity of web-delivered content.” Tim O’Reilly, often recognized as the first person to coin the...

PICNIC 08 – What will Google do?

On the last day of Picnic 2008, on Friday at Zuiveringshal West Gisel Hiscock, the Google’s EMEA business development director appeared with the company’s newest initiatives and strategies. Gisel Hiscock outlined company’s scheme of acting opposing the traditional approach –the...


Conference SuperPowerPointCinema a project by Re;visie, All Media ism. Het Nederlands Film Festival keynote speakers Bruce Sterling (science fiction writer, blogger) Eboman (DJ, kunstenaar) Anne Helmond (Docent UvA & Blogger) Moderator: Koert van Mensvoort Koert van Mensvoort gives the...
Secondary Orality in Microblogging

Secondary Orality in Microblogging

Orality versus literacy in the history of human consciousness In the book “Orality and Literacy: the Technologizing of the World”, Walter Ong compares orality and literacy, as defining features of oral cultures (cultures which do not have a system... Launched: a First Look…

How, why, where and when do traditional press write about new media and how can we critically look at those articles? This week a great new blog called metareporter has launched, made just to answer those questions. The blog...


IWAGU is pronounced as: ‘I Wag You’ and stands for Identification by Webcam And Gesture Utilization. Not to be confused with ‘I kill you’. Lawrence Lessig mentions in his ‘Code V2’ the ‘architectures of identification’. He (Lessig 2006 p.42)...

Chitchat with Vision’s Website Editor

Davis Weddi joined the New Vision in 1996 as a freelance journalist. His first story was placed on the front page of The New Vision on 1st April 1996. It was a fool’s day story of vampires attacking travellers...

Lecture Review: Lev Manovich, “Cultural Analytics,” Paradiso, 17 May 2009

Manovich's lecture was terrible in terms of both its preparation and its intellectual content. As a member of an audience, I find it disrespectful when a speaker - the keynote speaker no less - does not have a...

Lev’s lecture (2)

Lev’s lecture (2) Lev Manovich’s lecture on May 17 in Paradiso, Amsterdam had at least one unmistakeable feature of a good lecture: it rose controversy. Already immediately after concluding his presentation, Lev was accused during the Q&A of endangering...
WEX Machine – W139

WEX Machine – W139

The WEX Machine, The W139 EXtender, is a mirroring portal extending the W to the WebWebWeb. It is a new website and permanent installation for W139, an Amsterdam-based exhibition and production space for contemporary art, by Roel Wouters and...
Anatomical Analytics: up-to-date information on the human condition

Anatomical Analytics: up-to-date information on the human condition

Anatomical Analytics is a personal report detailing up-to-date information about an individual’s body condition. The project details a hypothetical design for an "innovative technology" that could exist in the...
Does Wikipedia bore you: from Visual Flaw to Limitation

Does Wikipedia bore you: from Visual Flaw to Limitation

Wikipedia is widely known as an online text dictionary. At the same time visuals are hardly used. Though Wikipedia is now publishing its beta version, which offers relatively more modern interface, it is far from engaging the rest of...
What is Causing the Decline in Wikipedia Participation?

What is Causing the Decline in Wikipedia Participation?

Wikipedia is considered to be the largest online database of information. Launched in 2001, Wikipedia has had exponential growth and have celebrated it’s 3 millionth article in August 2009. However, in the past month, both Times Magazine and Fast...

Wikipedia: a Social Playground

The online encyclopedia Wikipedia is an interesting product of the Web 2.0. Wikipedia asks its users to actively participate, add and change the content of the website, in order to create a knowledge database which is more up to...

Wikipedia = reliable

A lof of comments on the reliability of Wikipedia are getting old. These questions do not really concern Wikipedia, but the question: What is a usable source of information? Wikipedia is off course a unique example, but is it any...

Facebook vs Ning – what is “social”?

A social network is, according to Wikipedia, a social structure made of individuals or organizations, which are connected by one or more specific types of interdependency (friendship, kinship, financial exchange, sexual relationships, and relationships of beliefs, knowledge or prestige)....

The Twitter Effect

For all those feeling nostalgic about the good old days in which search engines were not based on algorithms but actual people doing the work; your human side of the search engine is back. On Lazytweet you can ask...
Foursquare: Are the benefits of locative social media limited to cities?

Foursquare: Are the benefits of locative social media limited to cities?

FourSquare has recently been described by bloggers as the next great micro-updating service – a geolocative platform that could compliment and even overcome Twitter.  Some are even guessing that with its built-in impetus to visit local businesses, it may...
“I’ve had the best breakfast ever” – say it using 14, 140 and 1400 symbols

“I’ve had the best breakfast ever” – say it using 14, 140 and 1400 symbols

Phatic communication is a term first used by anthropologist Bronisław Malinowski to describe a communicative gesture that does not inform or exchange any meaningful information or facts about the world. Its purpose is a social one, to express sociability...

Classification, culture & the tag

Web 2.0 tagging systems like Flickr’s categorize the website’s content bottom-up. The classification is powered by users applying their common sense and intuition; wisdom-of-the-crowd, resulting in a folk taxonomy of everything that is to be found in the Flickr...
Google Takes Command: Shaping the Web

Google Takes Command: Shaping the Web

Even though the web doesn’t have a central point, sometimes Google, or search engines in general, seem to form the center of this universe. Bringing together all these different websites into one database, ready to be searched. Google’s software,...

The Construction of an Online (Facebook) Identity

The web has become something other than the illusive place where we can get as much information as we want at all times. More than a knowledge database, the Internet has transformed into a place where we can not...

Happy Bookmarking

Happiness is effective. Emotional states can be transferred directly from one to another among people in social life, while few people realize the same phenomenon applies to social networks. Out of this James H. Fowler from Department of Political...

The Rise of the Network Library

Times change, and, as it seems, our time has changed a lot. The Internet can be blamed for many a change, since the constant information stream that is generated through the Internet influences a major part of our everyday...